Message from the Director



The School of Theatre, Television, and Film (TTF), is committed to ensuring that you are provided the finest artistic environment that would nurture your skills as a performer, director, producer, cinematographer, editor, designer, choreographer or film maker. At TTF you are highly encouraged to work in the related mediums of Theatre, Television, and Film, even if you are striving for specialization in just a single area. We prepare you for a versatility that opens up doors of opportunity in all mediums of the entertainment industry.

At TTF you enter an environment that is enriching, challenging and abounds with camaraderie. You will be encouraged to explore your inner creative essence and talents. You will explore methods of expressing your own artistic originality and sharing it with the world. You will come to appreciate how your effectiveness as a creative person influences society and leaves an indelible impression on your audiences.

The TTF facilities are here to support you in every way. Our location in Southern California provides a latitude of wide-ranging opportunities for you to make the appropriate professional contacts and to work in the entertainment industry. Take a moment to survey a list of TTF alum and the impact they have made, and still making in the industry, and you will be convinced that TTF is right place. I look forward to meeting you.

‘Niyi Coker, Jr.
Director & Professor,
School of Theatre, Television, and Film.