Randi McKenzie

Emerita Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
School of Theatre, Television, and Film
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-534-1732
Student Services East - 2109
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego,
Randi McKenzie is excited to continue teaching THEA. 355: Introduction to Movement with an emphasis on Theatrical Sword Fighting. Emerita Assistant Dean for Student Affairs from the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, McKenzie received her master’s degree in Education with an emphasis in physical education from Bowling Green State University and her bachelors from Kent State University, in health, physical education and psychology. Randi has taught, advised, coached, and mentored university students and staff for over 50 years. She has been at SDSU since 1980. For thirteen years, she directed the SDSU Faculty-Student Mentoring Program and under her leadership, the program received national recognition (Noel-Levitz, Retention Excellence Award, 2001). She has presented at numerous conferences and has received positive recognition for her work in the classroom as well as in the competitive arena. Randi was an involved faculty member and served the university on organizations and committees that include, but are not limited to: (President’s Community Council on Diversity, the Provost’s Retention Council, University Senate, Student Grievance Committee, Student Affairs Committee, Mortar Board, the Adult Friendly University Committee, faculty fellow in the residence halls and was the advisor to SOS (Survivor Outreach and Support). Her hobbies include working with students, pickleball, painting, acting, pottery, piano, and singing. She was a competitive fencer for 26 years and ranked second in the nation in women’s saber fencing, first in the senior division in foil and sabre. Certified as an Actor Combatant in the late 1980’s through the Society of American Fight Directors, she taught theatrical sword fighting at the University of San Diego in the joint MFA program with the Old Globe Theatre.
Randi considers herself “a novice to the theatre world” and relished her first acting gig as the front end of a horse in a traveling Kabuki play, “Road to Edo” with the SDSU Children’s Touring Theatre. She performed in the SDSU production of “Wolves” and “The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds” and has volunteered to teach sword fighting in SDSU acting classes as well as with the Meisner & Chekhov Integrated Actor Training Center.
She has received numerous awards and was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in 2021 at Kent State University and recently had an award named after her: The Randi McKenzie First Generation Alumni Award. When she is not wielding swords, Randi volunteers in the Office of Educational Opportunity Programs Outreach and Success, teaches disaster preparedness with the American Red Cross, co-advises Mortar Board, a national honor society for college seniors and works at staying married to Emeritus Professor Thomas McKenzie for the past 47 years.
- Masters Education-Bowling Green State University
- Bachelor of Science-Kent STate University
Areas of Specialization
- Theatrical Sword Fighting
- Society of American Fight Directors (1988,1990,1991, 2018)
- San Diego Police Depart. Retired Senior Patrol Volunteer Police Academy (2016)
- SDSU Police Department-Compassionate Interviewing (2017)
- SDSU Women’s Resource Center—Brave Project (2018)
- NCRC (National Conflict Resolution Center) Mediation Training (2016)
- Military Ally Training (2016)
- NASPA National Convention (2012, 2013, 2016)
- Transgender Health Training (2016)
- Mental Health First Aid Certificate (April, 2015)
- Safezones—LGBTQ Sponsored training with CPS Sexual Harassment in the Work Place Training (2019)
- Step Up—Bystander Intervention training, Florida (2018)
- Hands Only CPR 2024 Intimacy Coaching 2024
"Taking care of my personal health and my husbands. Nurturing the students I have been honored to be assigned to and trying to serve as a role model of kindness for others."
Awards & Honors
- "Randi McKenzie, First Generation Alumni Award"-Kent State University-(2020-21)
- Hall of Fame-Distinguished Athletic Alumni Award-2021
- Quest for the Best Faculty/Staff Recognition (2010, 2012)
- Mortar Board Outstanding Faculty/Staff Recognition, (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)
- Dan Cornthwaite Luminary Award for Outstanding Advising (2015)
- Vice Presidential Special Service Award (2011)
- PSFA Inspiration Award (2006-2016)
- Phi Eta Sigma, honorary membership (2010)
- Executive Producer, “Your Future PSFA.” Telly, Aurora, and Aegis Award winner for sound, sound design, direction, and animation. David Graves, Executive Director and Animator (2006)
- Aztec Achievement Award. “Best Retention Practices” Award (2003)
- Director, Faculty/Student Mentoring Program Noel Levitz Retention Excellence Award (2001)
- Second Place, open division, USA National Fencing Championships, women’s sabre fencing (1994)
- Several Master’s National Division medals (foil and sabre) 1990-1994
- Competitive fencer in all three weapons (1970-1995)
- THEA 355
- Panelist, “EOP Summer Bridge, freshmen and Transfers” (2008-2016)
- Panelist, “Professors Don’t Bite” SDSU Residential Education (multiple occasions) Presenter, International Student Mentor Training (2016)
- Presenter, New Student and Parent Orientations, conduct 10-15 sessions each summer for new students and their parents/guests, (2006-2016)
- Presenter, SDSU Leadership Summit (2015, 2016)
- Presenter-American Red Cross Preparedness Presentations- 2020-present
- Instructor, ALICE training. Presenter, Active Shooter training (7-13 each year); advised on teaching techniques and presentation skills. (2010-2016)
- Volunteer Instructor, OSHER Introduction to Theatrical Sword Fighting (2019)
- Instructor, "Foiling Around", Introduction to Theatrical Sword Fighting, Meisner/Chekhov
- Committee Member, AFU (Adult Friendly University), Academic Affairs appointed position to promote the designation of an adult friendly campus.2022-2024
- Judicial Hearing Officer, Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (Presidential appointment, (2013-2016)
- Sword fighting master classes on request (1990-present)
- Chair, Bystander Intervention Committee (2017-present)
- Co-Chair, Academic Senate Student Affairs Committee (1987-1990)
- Faculty Fellow, Maya Residence Hall (1985-1991)
- Member, Academic Senate (1986-89, 1991-92, 1994-99, 2001-04)
- Member, Academic Senate Diversity, Equity, and Outreach Committee (1998)
- Member, Faculty Staff Club Advisory Board (2010-2013)
- Member, Homecoming Selection Committee (2010)
- Member, Leadership Institute Advisory Board (1995-2004)
- Member, MLK Organizing Committee (2006)
- Member, New Student and Parent Orientation Committee (2006-2016)
- Member, Presidential Diversity and Equity Community Advisory Council (2003-2005)
- Member, Provost’s Retention Council (2002-04)
- Member, Quest for the Best Selection Committee (2007)
- Member, Recruitment and Retention Ad Hoc Committee (2000-2001)
- Member, SDSU LGBTQ Community Center Committee (2013-2015)
- Member, SDSU Morale and Celebratory Committee (presidential appointment, 2013 present)
- Member, SDSU Police Department Community Advisory Panel (2007)
- Member, SDSU Sexual Violence Task Force (presidential appointment, (2014-2016)
- Member, SDSU Student Grievance Committee (1989-92, 2000-2006)
- Member, Student Rights and Responsibility Disciplinary Advisory Board (2010)
- Advisor, Aztec Mentorship Program Loyally Involved for You (AMPLIFY), (2008-2010, 2015)
- Co-Advisor, Jane K. Smith Mortar Board Chapter (1994-1996, 2016-present)
- Advisor, PSFA Civil Core (2008-2018). Campus Life Excellence Award winner—Impact and Contribution (2016)
- Advisor, PSFA College Council. Most Improved Council, 2008; Most Outstanding Council, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016
- Advisor, Survivor Outreach and Support (2009-2011)
- Coordinated/Advised IRA distributions within PSFA and with the PSFA College Council (2006-2016t)
- Coordinated and assisted in PSFA portion of Explore SDSU (2005-2016)
- Coordinated, On-Line Course evaluation participation-pilot program for PSFA (2006)
- Facilitator, Tunnel of Oppression Journey to Shared Humanity (2011-2014)
- Instructor, ALICE training. Presenter, Active Shooter training (7-13 each year); advised on teaching techniques and presentation skills. (2010-present).
- Interviewer, Pre-Professional health students (2008-2014)
- Volunteer Instructor, SDSU School of Theatre, Television, and Film. THEA 355 and THEA 499-Introduction to Movement-theatrical sword fighting. (2017-present)
- Volunteer Instructor, OSHER Introduction to Theatrical Sword Fighting (2019)
- Volunteer, Educational Opportunity Programs and Ethnic Affairs. Assist with retention initiatives, probationary and disqualified students. Support the SOAR mentoring program. (2016-present)
- Volunteer, San Diego Chapter of the American Red Cross, disaster services. Preparedness trainer. (2019-present)
- Volunteer, Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol (RSVP) Volunteer with the San Diego Police Department to support community and law enforcement efforts. (2016-2019)
- Volunteer, Co-Advisor to SDSU Mortar Board Chapter and Civil Core. (2016-present)