Student Organizations

Student Organizations

DATA - Design And Technology Association

DATA is a theatre organization, founded in 2013, with an emphasis towards helping Design and Technology students (and those in other majors with interests in Design and Technoloigy) network and improve their craft to better prepare them for life after school. Some of the activities members will be able to participate in include:

  • Guest speakers from various areas of the entertainment industry
  • Tech and Design workshops
  • Backstage fieldtrips to local theaters and other entertainment venues
  • Movie Nights in the theater
  • Student-run shows and events as designers and crew
  • Peer-to-peer mentorship

We are always open to new members (from any major) and welcome any ideas for activities or workshops you may have. If you’d like to get involved, check out our DATA website or like us on the DATA Facebook page.

Contact faculty advisor Anne E. McMills at for more information

IOTA ETA PI – Comedic Improv Team

The fine improvisers of Iota Eta Pi Comedy Improv Team make up everything that we do on stage, on the spot. We are a motley crew of great guys and gals who enjoy and practice improvisation twice a week. At our shows, you’ll see of us perform some competitive short-form improv games, but our focus is on long form.

We perform regularly on-campus at SDSU (Free Shows and Private Shows) and sometimes against UCSD’s FOOSH. We also attend Improv Festivals such as UCSD’s
ImprovApocalyse and USC’s Fracas. If you’d like to get involved, check us out on the Iota Eta Pi Facebook page.

Contact faculty advisor Peter Cirino at for more information.

Musical Theatre Club

SDSU’s Musical Theatre Club works to create more opportunities in musical theatre for students who want experiences outside of classes. Our club provides experiences such as audition workshops, rehearsals, and putting up cabarets at the end of the semester.

Contact faculty advisor Robert Meffe at for more information.

Skull & Dagger Dramatic Society

Skull & Dagger Dramatic Society is a place for burgeoning artists to develop, practice, and hone their artistic craft. Our goal is to provide worthwhile artistic opportunities for Undergraduate students at San Diego State University in the field of theatre. We strive to encourage artistic growth by creating an open space for our diverse students to facilitate the discovery and practice of new and old performance methods and theatre art practices. Our club is open to all interested students and anyone is welcome to attend our bi-weekly meetings. We have opportunities in multiple areas of theatre, including performance, design, technical, production and more. To keep up to date and find out more information on getting involved please check out our resources!

Facebook: Skull and Dagger Dramatic Society
Instagram: SkullandDaggerSD
Twitter: SkullandDagger1

Contact faculty advisor Peter Cirino at for more information.

The Film Society - Association of Independent Filmmakers at SDSU

Our mission is to help TFM students gain experience in film making and also to help students by adding to their portfolios. Which helps with access to the TFM major. Any one can join the club by just coming in to one of the meetings. The group also provides a series of workshops and tutorials with professionals in the industry. Every semester a film festival is produced with the work from the group. The student group is not only for film majors, in fact we encourage anyone who is interested in filming, acting, or in any type of video production to come in. Check out the Film Society Facebook page.

Contact faculty advisor Peter Cirino at for more information.

V-Day SDSU—The Vagina Monologues

V-Day SDSU is part of a greater global movement that strives to end violence towards women, woman-identified, and trans non-binary individuals, raise awareness of intersectional feminism, and overall bring to light the everyday struggles of women throughout the globe. Every year, SDSU puts on a production of The Vagina Monologues written by Eve Ensler, who brings up issues regarding women and the social stigma that goes with being a woman in our society. Each year, V-Day SDSU continues to expand on the crucial conversations that are essential to understand women in society. We strive to negate the harm and injustice that is aimed towards women in all situations on a day-to-day basis.

As an organization, we are proud to donate all the proceeds from our production each year to a local charity. Recent organizations that V-Day SDSU has supported include: San Diego Youth Services STARS, License to Freedom, and the Center for Community Solutions. All in all, we hope to leave the audience and supporters educated and empowered to stand up for this cause with us.
Auditions for The Vagina Monologues are held in October each year. Our performances take place in February or March. We welcome all interested students to get involved.

Please contact Faculty Advisor Dr. Shelley Orr for more information.

Black Renaissance Theatre Group

The Black Renaissance Theatre Group was founded in August of 2020 by Leilani Snow, Cierra Watkins, and Joshua "JD" Jones. Our mission is to promote Black excellence and talent through theatre and film on the campus of San Diego State University. Black Renaissance was made in order to create a space where Black talent can be celebrated, shared, and seen. We wanted to have a safe space to tell our stories and revel in the truth they tell. To stay updated on Black Renaissance you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook @sdsu_blackrenaissance

Contact faculty advisor Peter Cirino or for more information.